Finally, the truth is out at last!! Rejoice! Rejoice! Smoke that shit y'all.
By: Belia Benci Dadah & Belia Suka Herba

Well, for a quite some time, I always think drug laws provided by Malaysian Government now are completely monolith and full of myth and mitos which somehow will ask (in the nearest future) to be written back truthfully without bias and justification and also discrimination. And now the truth is coming out in mainstream Malaysia, albeit slowly, but come out at last. Beginning with Harakah edition being the first newspaper in Malaysia (that I am currently aware) to show the 'goodness' of taking cannabis or Ganja in our local language which I cannot find the link anywhere in teh Interweb (I read that in Harakah hard copy edition some few months ago), followed by now today news 14/9/2006 in Utusan Malaysia which titled
Kanabis bunuh sel kanser. You can see the article from Harm Reduction website
here (the site the Utusan are referring to).
It is also been known for a while that cannabis does not applicable in 'Gateway Theory', the theory which say that smoking cannabis regularly can lead the user (or some might say abuser) into taking more hardcore drugs such as heroin cocaine, etc. You can read
here for a more understandable language while those who are into those technical medical term can read
I wonder if there any Malaysian researcher did ever study or do any research on this substance at all? And if they are, did they afraid to release the result to the public for fearing the Government will take away their job, grants, lab etc? Even for the truth?
Some parts of London have been experimenting with 'soft approach' on cannabis few years back while other parts in Europe such as Amsterdam (the Mecca for cannabis user) has been long legalized it. I remember watching news on TV when some of the MP (a.k.a Adun) in UK Parliament start to admit publicly that they are taking cannabis either in High School or University during the Parliament sesion, which then led to change of drug abuse law which involved downgrading the class of Cannabis from Grade B to Grade C which is equivalent to pharmaceutical drugs. Also I remember when those street kids, those underage teenage girls and boys who are living in Foyer on Government allowance (in front of kebab shop that I am working in Commercial Road) celebrate the news by publicly smoking the cannabis in front of many people passing on Commercial Street. And the people just looked. some people say "Go on, mate", "Smoke that shit y'all" and many others just smiling. Heh. Wish not to forgot that memory. I dont remember that we in Malaysia classify drugs with Grades. We use shortcut and say All Drugs Illegal, which to my meaning even the drugs that hospital use as well lor.. that is my understatement of Malaysian drug law. In simplicity.
I wonder if any ADUN here in Malaysia will admit that they smoking cannabis in Parliament if they ever done it while in young age. I probably succumb to typical stereotype general local perception (when it come to how-Government-react-if-we-do-this-dilemma) that anyone dare to do that in our local Parliament will be punish severely or maybe been thrown out from the Parliament. Period.
Looking from Parliament Session Draft
here, I dont think that those old people are ready for a change now. What can we say, Old People Mentality Syndrome would be my guess.
So, all in all, it seems that citizen of Malaysia had been denied the truth from our ruler to enforce those bias laws towards the rightful citizens in the so called democratic country. We are really need an NGO or some other organization that can campaign (bravely within the Malaysian law jurisdiction) for the goodness of the cannabis which hopefully can led to legalize the substance in Malaysia in the future, hence wrote back and overwrite those existing bias indiscriminate and full of lies laws which the citizen seem to be abiding for quite some time now without even realised that it's full of bull.
Are they exist anywhere? Hello NGO?
Quote of the day:
Although I am not agreed with what you will saying, but I will defend to my death the right for you to say it. -Voltaire maybe.. I know it somewhere.
Listening to:
lu mantol ka?