My Grey Cells Burning

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Back From Dead & Birth of New Phoenix..

Picture from:

Been long time already not updating anything at all here. Too busy with new job, learning all the new stuff, a bit of magics, tips and tricks and facing lots of problem from days to days and more will come. Currently settling down the Debian poorly seeded RNG encryption vulnerabilities for all servers we got now. Next time Debbies, please validate your diff to the upstream maintainer first before roll out new release of everything you want to offer us, or I wouldn't have hassle so much on our plenty servers as the original OpenSSH and OpenSSL are secure enough to withstand almost everything in the Wild Wild Net since we use lots of Ubbies here.

Just finished upgrading company laptop currently used by me from Ubuntu 7.10 to Hardy Heron 8.04 LTS. Not much problem and issue coming in except for few things:

Firefox 3:
I have no use for it since the back and forward button are freezing against my mouse touch onto it. Maybe I should touch it with my dick but then it would not be appropriate and inhuman against the laptop machine. They need other thing to simulate them such as... bit astray.. back to the topic, even my bookmarks also nowhere to be seen within the FF3. So I just install firefox-2-bin and those 2 issues are gone.

Yeah, got zombie after startup booing in forms of /sh if I doing ps -ef | grep defunct. As usual, since zombie are dead thing, it will stale within the grasp of listing process ps -ef. Kind of annoying, which I give a magic to make it gone forever in form of:

kill -HUP `ps -A -ostat,ppid,pid,cmd | grep -e '^[Zz]' | awk '{print $2}'`

That'll teach the zombie. Go back to your grave and lay in peace. Do not disturb my system anymore.

Sound and movie playback:
Yes, Totem a.k.a Movie Player playing movie very slow and no sound coming out of it. Playing mp3 however well enough with Rythmbox. What I do to fix it? I forgot to be honest. Just install few things, reboot twice or more and everything coming out well thanks to Google, ubuntuforums and few other forums.

Streaming video (Youtube):
No sound coming out. After a while, decide to reboot and it works after that. Realllly crazy.

Im dead back again until God knows when. Till then, cheerio. Bye.


Hey! I listen to The Ataris, I remember you :


posted by zarxcky @ 5/25/2008 03:42:00 AM   0 comments
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